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3 Payment Plan- Part 1/3 ($2497)
Tech Guidelines To Help Navigate The Course
Introduction Video: Cindy, Goals and Framework of Course (26:15)
Critical Thinking Tool: Important to Receive CPEs.
Post Test Guidelines
Where to Find the Bonus Modules and Additional Resources
A Word About The Macronutrients
Digestive System
Digestive System Module 1: Introduction and Six Key Ingredients (68:22)
Digestive System Module 2: Oral Cavity, Esophagus and Stomach (80:04)
Digestive System Module 3: Small and Large Intestine (62:29)
Digestive System Module 4: Accessory Organs-Gallbladder, Liver and Pancreas (62:28)
Digestive System Module 5: Biomarkers and Labs (91:53)
Digestive System Module 6: Diet and Supplements, Micro and Micro Nutrients (70:55)
Digestive System Module 7: Diet and Supplements, Microbiome (62:47)
Digestive System Module 8: Diet and Supplements, Herbs (53:53)
Digestive Handouts
Digestive Reference Files
Digestive System Post Test
Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular System: Module 1 The Heart, Vessels and Blood (67:34)
Cardiovascular System: Module 2 The Gut/Heart Connection (52:09)
Cardiovascular System: Module 3 Biomarkers and Labs (55:10)
Cardiovascular System Module 4 Diet and Supplements (98:34)
Cardiovascular System Module 5 Fluids and Electrolytes (56:16)
Cardiovascular Handouts
Cardiovascular Reference Files
Cardiovascular Post Test
Digestive Handouts
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