Is This Mentoring Group For You?

Do You Know How the Body Works?

It's an important question. Of course, no one knows everything about the body but one of the biggest risks for every nutritionist is working in what I call, A Systems Silo

We’ve made great strides with increasing awareness of the gut microbiome and digestive health and why they are both so important to overall health. But, still, too many nutrition educators focus on just one or two systems of the body. 

Functional and integrative nutrition aims to focus on all of the body systems. However, it requires intentional education about the entire body to be successful.

Systems knowledge is the foundation from which to optimally apply a functional/integrative medicine approach. 

It’s where you begin, end, and everything in between.

This Mastermind/ Mentoring group is for you if:

-You are curious about my accredited Nutrition and Systems Biology course, either the full course for 70 CEUs or any of the paired systems, also accredited for CEUs.

-Are contemplating learning more about a functional/integrative approach. The body systems are the most logical place to begin.

 -You’d like to chat with a few of your colleagues. A small mentoring group enables you to exchange ideas and experiences.

-You already practice as a functional nutritionist, but feel like there are some missing pieces. I bet those missing pieces are systems knowledge. This mentoring group may fill in the gaps.

Basic Set Up of the Mentoring Group:

  • Beginning October 2024, we will meet 2x/month on Tuesdays for 90 minutes
  • Duration-Eight consecutive months, one month for each body system.
  • Systems include: Digestive, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Renal, Immune, Endocrine, Brain/Nervous, + Musculoskeletal.
  • Each session will provide a brief review of that system, however, the aim is not to repeat the content of the course. The greater aim is to critically think about each body system and how it may affect your patients in your clinical practice.


  • 1:00-2:30 pm, EST; 12-1:30 pm CST; 11 AM -12:30 pm, MT; 10 AM-11:30 p,m, Pacific

Here is the schedule:


  • October- Tuesday 10/15, 10/22
  • November- Tuesday 11/5, 11/19
  • December - Tuesday 12/3, 12/17


  • January- Tuesday 1/7, 1/21
  • February- Tuesday 2/4, 2/18
  • March- Tuesday 3/4, 3/18
  • April -Tuesday 4/1, 4/15
  • May- Tuesday, 5/6, 5/20

Secure your spot by purchasing the first month. Payments will be monthly through the completion of the eight months.

Guidelines and Zoom links will be emailed prior to the beginning of each session.


Introductory rates for the first mentoring group

  • If you are currently a student in the course or have completed the course $75/month
  • If you are not a student in the course but would like to be included in the mentoring group.    $100/month

Special discount: If you are not a student in the course and join this 8-month mentoring group, and decide to purchase any part of the course, you will receive a $25 dollar credit for each of the $100/mo rate classes, depending on how much of the course you purchase ($25 off max for each individual system, $50 off max for paired course purchases, and then if you decide on the full course, $200 off of the $100/month. (8 months x $25)).

Meetings will be recorded.

Choose a Pricing Option

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